Thursday, 12 April 2018

“Peace in our time ...”

And so it begins ... the madmen at the helms of the USA and Russia are girding their loins and are tweeting their way to a showdown in Syria and the surrounding areas. Egged on by the British and the French, and the Israelis, the temperature is rising and the prospect of war looms ever closer. May and her “war cabinet” are meeting to discuss the bombing of Syria as punishment for a gas attack that may or may not have taken place. Trump tweets away and the Russians respond in like vein. The British, in their well-known “poodle” mentality, blindly follow the aggression of the lunatic in the White House, Macron struts his stuff (whilst France is paralysed by strikes) and the Israelis stir the pot as hard as they can.

Perhaps most astonishingly of all, May does not intend to recall Parliament for a debate on the matter. Everyone remembers Cameron failing to push the House of Commons a few years ago into pursuing military action, and May does not intend to fall into that trap. The UK, unless I am much mistaken, is meant to be a Parliamentary Democracy. And yet Parliament is increasingly sidelined over the prospect of war, or Brexit. What the hell is going on?

The western “powers” do not seem to understand that their meddling in the affairs of the Middle East (and the Far East for that matter) has caused untold deaths and disaster. I can’t remember anyone appointing the USA, the UK, France or Israel, as responsible for policing the world. All, in the last hundred years, have engaged in warmongering at its worst. Whether it is to impose democracy on areas of the world which are divided along tribal or religious lines, or to get their hands on dwindling oil and gas reserves, the West’s interference is neither welcome nor wanted.