Wednesday, 22 May 2019

It’s been some time ...

Life does get in the way of art sometimes and that is why my blog has been silent for a while. But, with the arrival of summer (and the lack of an imperative to get things done) there is more time to do things like write.

Ann is having to deal with all sorts of people, who may not see her regularly, telling her how well she looks. After the medical adventures of 2018, and her subsequent and gradual recovery, she does look a million dollars. Visits to the doctor are still part of her life and she is remarkably patient about being a patient. Long gone are the memories of being on oxygen eighteen hours a day and having to use the tyrannical nebuliser.

Medical matters concern us with the introduction of Gesy, which is the new National Health System that the troika insisted Cyprus instituted, and which is having teething troubles - especially for foreign nationals. There is so much fake news circulating that it is confusing in the extreme. From what I have seen so far it appears that it has been developed to benefit the medical profession, and I cannot yet see what benefit it will be to the patient.

We look back at the winter with a sense of disbelief. It is almost impossible to believe how long it lasted and how much rain fell. It proved two things though. Firstly how effective the building work was to cure the damp and mould problems in our house, and secondly that buying such a large and powerful wood burning stove was an absolute godsend. People said that a 10 Kw stove would be sufficient yet we opted for the 14 Kw version. It was the best decision we have made in years. I’m almost looking forward to next winter ... almost.

We had a false start in our attempt to engage people to come and clean our pool. One couple, recommended by friends, was engaged but they turned out to be not to our taste. As Ann said, it felt like they were employing us. However someone contacted us via Facebook and he has turned out to be knowledgeable and just right for us. The pool has never looked cleaner or healthier. He arrives in the early morning, and leaves sometimes without us knowing he has been there. The pool sparkles and it is a relief not to have to face that twice-weekly task as the hotter weather arrives.

Every now and again someone contacts me to say how much they enjoy this blog. It’s lovely to hear from people and I hope it continues to be an entertaining read. No doubt in the coming months, as the absolute farce that is Brexit continues to evolve, I shall be forced to comment on a shameful period of British history. God help the nation if either Johnson or Corbyn or Farage ever enters No 10 Downing Street. If that happens the farce will become a full-blown Greek tragedy.