Well I’m stunned ... our oven has been repaired and is being returned this afternoon. It’s only been five weeks. We have become masters of the gas hob, the slow cooker and the microwave. I just hope we haven’t forgotten how to use an electric oven.
What a palaver! Ann and I almost said “Sod it” and went off to buy a replacement oven. This oven is about fifteen years old and parts were almost impossible to come by but Andreas, the man who apparently can repair anything electrical, has eventually found the parts. It will certainly make cooking easier - scouring recipe books to find things to cook in a slow cooker was fun to begin with and then just a bit of a bind.
The weather is grey and dull at the moment, although not as cold as last week. We cheer ourselves up with the guarantee of months of blue skies and sunshine (when no doubt we shall find it too hot), but we wouldn’t be British if we didn’t talk about the weather.
We have been back and forwards to Paphos recently (hospital trips and shopping for things we cannot find in Polis). I suppose it is a good thing that we have a large shopping centre forty-five minutes away but I’m a country boy at heart and would hate to live there. Kamikaze drivers are lurking around every corner (and they are not all Cypriots by any means) and it is marvellous to be driving out of town and heading for home.
We are both in rude good health, thank heaven, and long may that continue. The dry, warm weather for most of the year must help. In 2008 I was in hospital for a serious operation, and the cretinous nurse “looking after” me forgot to lock the bed. I sat down, the bed skated away and I hurt my knee badly. There was a bit of a fuss and doctors appeared mysteriously from all sorts of places. Scans and X-rays were ordered and then a very senior doctor came to tell me that the pain in my knee was not the result of my accident but early-onset arthritis. What a load of utter bollocks. I suppose they were terrified that I would reach for my lawyer.
Twelve years on there is no sign of the alleged arthritis. And this was at the hospital where I developed MRSA and spent a month there, not being aware how close to death I was. The NHS is lauded all over the place but not by me. To be fair the plumbing they did (coronary triple bypass) has worked brilliantly. But when I was returned to the coronary ward I was surrounded by familiar faces - all of whom had picked up an infection of one sort or another.
And Boris wants to shovel untold millions into the bottomless pit ...