Waking up this morning to the news from the UK that hospitality venues are to close at 10.00 pm from Thursday. And then the moronic Health Secretary, when asked, could not definitely say whether pubs and restaurants might be closed by the weekend. Left hand, right hand, joined-up thinking, strategic planning - all are absent in the intellectual vacuum that is the British Government.
One only needs to cast one’s mind back to the end of July when Boris was urging people to return to their offices, spend till you drop and then the Chancellor unveiled a package which encouraged people (but only people who could afford it) to “Eat out to help out”. This particular initiative took my breath away. Here one had the tax payer subsidising those who could afford to eat out to have cheaper food ... whilst at the same time food banks were reporting record demand from people on the breadline.
And then, after a month or six weeks of such largesse, with summer receding - the number of infections start to rise and keep rising. With schools and universities restarting, and people beginning to return to the office (in order to stop Pret A Manger and other over-priced sandwich sellers from going bust), it was revealed that testing in some areas was being rationed, as nobody had realised that infections might rise in the autumn.
If it wasn’t so tragic, it would be laughable. I don’t doubt for a second that our lovely dog, Daisy, could manage things better.