Ann is now in the firm and warm embrace of plaster covering both right and left wrists and forearms, as she has fractured bones to protect. Very swift and effective consultations and CT scans, and then further consultation with her orthopaedic surgeon - who only asked, as he was plastering the second wrist, whether Ann was a driver. Fortunately she had her personal driver waiting in the car outside.
So, for the next five weeks, she is very much unable to do much. We are a good team and we have managed to work around many of he difficulties she has been undergoing. Showering was fun, and a pair of waterproof arm covers (designed for just this eventuality) proved a godsend. My cooking is passing muster but we were both grateful that our new cleaner started on Thursday and did an excellent job. And, the gardening crew covered themselves in glory by doing another excellent job and returning to construct and paint our new kitchen island.
It is only at times like this that people surprise you. We have had more than a couple of offers to do the shopping for us, and all sorts of people we would not have expected to be sympathetic have proved us wrong. A big thank you to all who have stepped up to offer help. We appreciate it - especially as we do not find it easy to accept offers of help.
Infections continue to rise on a daily basis here, and the animosity being exhibited between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated is being orchestrated in ways which do not strike me as subtle. We are both vaccinated, and hope all we meet will be similarly protected. But … and it is a big but … you cannot insist that people be injected with a revolutionary concoction against their wishes. With the so-called Safepass being insisted upon for entry into many places here, the pressure to be vaccinated is immense.
I, for one, am not happy about this. What next? Yellow stars sewn onto the clothing of the unvaccinated, followed by numbers tattooed onto their skins for identification. World wars were fought for less.