My blog regarding the strikes and threatened industrial action in the UK has caused a bit of a stir but that is the joy of blogs. They are yours and reflect your beliefs and opinion. To have a comment from my stepdaughter was terrific, as we have strongly held view on many things - and, surprisingly, are not always in agreement. What a boring world if we all thought the same.
At the time of writing more strikes are promised and the government seems to be trying to “divide and conquer” by negotiating with some unions and not others. Junior doctors are the next to announce a strike, and no doubt they can square with the Hippocratic Oath in the silence of the night.
We have been heartened by the improving weather, and hope for an early Spring although the lack of rain may come back to bite us this summer. Our log store looks healthy, and should see us through to warmth and sunshine.
My 70th birthday is on the horizon and I have had to change my driving licence at the Citizens’ Office in Polis. What a mixed bag! It depends who deals with you. I collected the requisite form on Monday and was told to return on Tuesday. Off to the doctor’s surgery for the form to be signed and stamped, and bright and early on Tuesday I returned to the Citizens’ Office. There were three women waiting (but not with bated breath) and no customers in sight. I explained why I had come and the somewhat surly woman asked if I had an appointment. “I was told to return today”, I replied.
“You need an appointment,” she intoned.
“Can you deal with this today?”
“No, you need an appointment”.
So back on Thursday and four minutes later all was completed. The same women, the same lack of customers but a different, and most charming, woman to help me. Grrrh!
Lots of visits to doctors here and in Paphos recently. Tests, analysis, findings, new prescriptions (and cancelled prescriptions), and all the admin and excitement that entails. But the fly in the ointment is Paphos. There have been roadworks and “No Entry” signs, and diversions that lead nowhere. And now, even more roadworks, seeming endless concrete bollards, and “smart” car parks. What an utter shambles. No doubt all funded with EU money, but businesses and shops all over the place are going bust as they are literally isolated for months on end. Thursday 11.00 am and miles of roadworks and not a single sign of activity and certainly not a workman in sight. The Mayor of Paphos, in my view, has lost the plot.
Google Maps almost gave up on me. I’m sure I heard her sigh - more than once.