I don't know why but decisions, like buses, tend to come in little groups. So at the moment we are having to make lots of decisions - none are earth-shattering but they are still decisions.
My 63rd birthday is accelerating towards me and Ann is keen to know what I would like to do. We have eaten out with friends, we have entertained friends at home - both have advantages and disadvantages. Going out entails driving, which is not ideal on a birthday celebration. I hate, with a passion, taking taxis and especially taxis in Cyprus. But entertaining at home means that there is a lot of work for Ann ...
As readers of this blog know, our trusty TV died and we were faced with replacing it. Demotronics did not hold out much hope and I had researched a similar-sized set for us to buy. Whilst waiting for Demotronics to make a decision, we asked a person we have met recently and with whom Ann plays Mah Jong. Well ... what a carry on ... they have a television but don't use it. But they don't normally lend things, and how long did we want to borrow it for, etc. etc. etc. We both reached the same conclusion and that was to tell them to just forget it
However another friend, and this is the difference between a friend and someone with whom one is on friendly terms, had recently bought a larger TV screen as her eyesight was no longer what it was, offered us her 32" screen for €50,00 ... well what could we say? I collected it and it is absolutely fantastic both in looks and performance. It was so good we had to take her out to lunch on Saturday as an additional thank-you. I can just imagine if we had offered her extra money for what was a very good buy for us.
Becky S., of whom we are very proud, has just returned from the island of Lesbos - where she has been volunteering at a camp for the many migrants to have landed on Greek shores. I think the experience has had a profound effect on her, and I must say I am so proud of the commitment she has shown. We hope she will come and visit us in the next few weeks.
On an entirely separate tack, I despair of the once-proud BBC. I read two articles online this morning. One was about the dangers of sunbathing, where it was stated that there is no safe way to sunbathe but - if you don't spend time in the sun - you will have a deficiency of Vitamin D. But, horror of horrors, it was stated that Aleppo was surrounded on three sides. For goodness' sake ... standards, standards, standards ...
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