Wednesday, 17 January 2018

The "Magnum Opus" begins ...

Well it all started at 07.32 this morning when we saw Antreas' multi-coloured van coming up our long drive, followed by one of his guys in his car. We were, of course, up and dressed (surprising to those of you who know us), and organised after a fashion. Antreas told us that the work would take four days, and that tomorrow there would be a greater number of workers here.

We had chosen to have our bedroom done first, so that we had a secure base for the week. Daisy was in her "house" and behaved brilliantly for the whole day. Sprout was in various locations but survived the day with some dignity. Honey and Jaz pottered around, coming in and out at will, but we're not as distracted as we feared.

Work proceeded apace and Savvas and his Vietnamese girl arrived to remove the big curtains for cleaning, as they had been affected by the mould. He also sorted out a problem with "back washing" the pool, which saved calling out the pool man.

A phone call announced that our local log burner firm would be able to fit our log burner in the next few days. So, fingers crossed, all systems are go. We are taking the opportunity to rearrange furniture and have a clean in those parts which are not normally cleaned. The day was fine, although with all the windows open, and the kitchen door being opened and closed, it was quite brisk. By the close of play, when our guy left, we had to rapidly heat the house and take some alcohol on board.

We will find tomorrow more demanding as the forecast is a bit grim, and the guys will be working in our living area. We may decide to retire to bed, with the electric blanket on, and dogs and cats lurking  with us. But the end is nigh ... I trust.

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