Monday, 15 October 2018

Are you that blogger?

Ann and I had just finished a delicious Sunday lunch at the Turtle Tavern in Argaka, when I was aware of a customer asking the landlady who I was. Having been identified, this lady told me she followed my blog in very complimentary terms. I, as you would expect, was gracious and modest. When she joined us a few minutes later, and called her two female friends across (this was to let them know the website address of the blog) I was quite taken aback.

I have met one or two other people who follow my blog, but - by and large - they have been friends or acquaintances. To meet a stranger was quite a surprise. And a pleasure. I suppose as there have been over thirty-five thousand visits to the blog it is not outside the bounds of possibilities. In any event, ladies, it was a pleasure to meet you.

Cyprus, for no doubt arcane constitutional reasons, does not have a British Ambassador but a British High Commissioner. He is a new arrival to the island, but what a mess he is making of his job. I know he is just a mouthpiece for the dreadfully incompetent government the UK is enduring (and they are undoubtedly doing a better job than the Opposition could ever do) but perhaps he ought to draw breath, think and then think again, before opening his mouth.

Only weeks ago he was advising expats that they only needed a MEU1 to ensure they would be able to continue to reside in Cyprus. We have that, and we were in the process of investigating whether we ought to apply for a MEU3. With his advice in mind, we thought it best to wait and see what happens in the coming months. The Cypriot government produced a twelve page document dealing with this, which appeared to confirm this ... but only in vague terms and only in the event of an orderly withdrawal from the EU.

And then, at the end of last week, he announced that he was recommending we applied for a MEU3. For goodness sake, find out what is happening and let your advice reflect the reality of the situation. The application process is straightforward but involves lots and lots of paper. Not a problem with the redoubtable Ann to organise things, but there are British expats all over the forums panicking and rushing to Immigration. How on earth did the British Empire and its administrators manage to cope only a few generations ago?

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