Friday, 22 March 2019

Oh M(a)y

Taking the whole Brexit débâcle as a tale of our times, I suspect that if one was to write it as a work of fiction, no publisher would touch it. Apart from making the British Government a laughing stock, and I have long believed there are very few honourable men and women of principle who believe in the concept of public service, it reflects badly on the people of our country. 

As a result of this situation, Britain is in a similar position to the one it found itself in after the Suez disaster (thank your closest ally, the treacherous USA) in that the country’s reputation went into a serious decline from which it could arguably be said never to have recovered. How will Britain be viewed in Europe, and around the world, after such ineptitude?

Bloody David Cameron should be locked up in The Tower of London, with the room next door reserved for the idiot May. An extension would be required for all the hardliners of both sides to occupy cells on bread and water. Then they should be left to contemplate their navels. And if a place in hell was needed, the DUP should get preference.

There is a sense of disbelief every time the Prime Minister opens her mouth. How can an incompetent Home Secretary have arrived at Downing Street, and then proceeded to dig a hole so deep? For goodness sake someone put her out of her misery. Vote her out of office (a concerted vote of no confidence). And then either revoke Article 50, or announce a second referendum or call a General Election ... or even all three.

Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?

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