We decided, before the Cyprus government made its lockdown decision, that we would self-isolate as we are in the age group that is deemed vulnerable. Since that time we have shopped twice (larger shops than we normally do), been to the pharmacy once to collect medication, and I have walked Daisy most days. We have also made a couple of visits to our local nursery, which Ann decided were essential. In order to legally leave the house, we text a government service and receive permission about twenty seconds later. When we are out, we must have the mobile phone with the text message on, and our passports.
Do we feel this is draconian? Not a bit ... if the virus is to be survived then certain freedoms need to be temporarily removed. Are we bored? Not really. When the sun shines, and we sit outside by the pool, then that’s what we would normally be doing. Our cookbooks are scoured for all sorts of dishes we have not tried before, and YouTube videos are devoured - which makes us hungry.
We listen to music most of the time and have dipped into all sorts of tv programmes. The bar has been known to open at odd times of the day. A friend in the UK posted something which suggested half the people would become much better in the kitchen and the other half would develop a drink problem. How true.
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