Sunday, 15 November 2020

Too little, too late

 I have been quite impressed with the way this country has dealt with the pandemic ... until recently. Daily infections were in single figures, the number of ICU beds were more than adequate and people (by and large) were being sensible and obeying the rules. And then ... and then ... the government was put under incredible pressure by the unions and other employer groups, and they opened up the airports. This was followed at the end of the summer by the schools and universities opening. What a mix and it was all so predictable.

Infections soared, and deaths, and all the hard work of the previous months had been for nought. Once Pandora’s Box had been opened it was nigh on impossible to shut it. Many people gave up on the idea of social distancing, masks - where worn - were round the chin. In a matter of a few weeks Cyprus went from  1500 cases to over 6500. The track and trace team could not cope and it would appear that the laboratories closed at weekends.

Like European governments all over, the President decided that something needed to be done ... to show that he was doing something. But, inevitably the action taken was too little, too late. Infections continued to rise, and so further restrictions were placed on the Limassol and Paphos regions. It was similar to the first lockdown, without the SMS messaging. There are now roadblocks between the regions, but it’s all too late. We are effectively locked down until December. Too short a period as it is not long enough to see whether the restrictions are working or not.

This is having little effect on us, as we were already taking our own precautions. But the effect on many Cypriots will be devastating. Workers in the businesses closed will join the many who are struggling. There will be the siren cries of “Christmas must be saved” and I suspect we will lurch from one lockdown to the next.

With a vaccine possibly on the horizon, surely this must be the time to grit one’s teeth over the next few months and wait the virus out. 

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