Those who know me will remember that I have a pathological fear of needles, and I’ve had a few needles shoved into me over the years. So, after six months, I accessed the Online Portal for Vaccinations so that I could receive my Covid booster. Wonder if wonders, it allowed me to book an appointment at Polis Hospital for this Friday. Joy! Joy! Oh fuck! I’m celebrating the opportunity to realise one of my worst fears so that someone can stick a needle in my arm.
Cyprus swings from competence to utter incompetence when it comes to dealing with the pandemic, but we cope with the swings and roundabouts. We watch with incredulity the lack of adherence to regulations by both Cypriots and expats. Today we popped out for a drink and watched people completely ignore masks and SafePass restrictions. And why, for heaven’s sake, do people (in a large area) want to sit next to us?
Winter is nibbling at us. We can still sit outside until the sun goes down, but - as almost all Cypriot houses have no insulation - you need some form of reliable heating. Unless you have central heating, which is alleged to be ruinously expensive - then a log burner is the way forward. Gas heaters create damp, condensation and mould (and are not brilliant for people with asthma or other respiratory problems) and air conditioning dries everything out. So plan for a log burner, find a reliable supplier of hardwood, and enjoy the winters here.
Don’t listen to the slightly absurd “fact” that Cyprus enjoys 300+ days of sunshine a year. For three months a year you want to be warm and comfortable.