Saturday, 15 April 2023

The State of the Nation (s)

 Recent events in both the UK and the EU have focused the mind wonderfully when it comes to living in Cyprus. It has been increasingly apparent that the world is rowing ever smaller and more interlinked - and this has nothing to do with globalism. 

Perhaps most sickeningly of all Joe Biden came to (ostensibly) interfere in the Northern Ireland Protocol negotiations. It was nothing more than an excuse to appeal to the Irish-American voters in the next presidential election - of whom there are apparently millions - and the “selfie” he had with the murderous Gerry Adams caused me more than nausea. Having served in Northern Ireland in the early 1970s, I know just what damage that murderous pair (Adams and McGuiness) did. And then, not to receive their just desserts, thanks to Blair and the other surrender monkeys. Northern Ireland Protocol and the Good Friday Agreement be damned!

“Don’t be ill” is the mantra as the various union groups keep nurses and doctors out on strike (I’ve lost track of whether paramedics and other NHS are still on strike or not), and all the train drivers and postmen and driving instructors and … 

It is beyond belief that these strikes have been allowed to blossom and ruin the lives of millions of Britons who are struggling to make ends meet. I’ve lived through some inept and uncaring political administrations in my seventy years, but the current government is the worst by far. There was a time, although younger readers may find it hard to believe, when British governments focused on finding solutions to the problems citizens encountered. Why? Because they entered politics to make a difference for the better.

We are both affected by events near and far, and are increasingly likely to be so. The war in Ukraine has sent shock waves through the world, but it will be a storm in a teacup if China invades Taiwan. That could signal a world war to end all wars. And what is frightening and hopeless about it all is that people have no control over what is happening or likely to happen. I suppose we should be grateful that Hilary Clinton never made it to the White House. North Korea would be a memory and as for Iran?

Inevitably we try to ignore the storm clouds which appear from time to time. Cyprus seems an oasis at times like this. Our own mantra is to have “Fun in the Sun”. Interestingly we looked at the runners and riders of today’s Grand National. My choices (both rank outsiders) were “Born by the Sea” and “Back on the Lash”. Highly appropriate for us as our relationship blossomed by the sea and, allegedly, we have been known to drink alcohol from time to time. Cheers.

For a different point of view on our life here, you might enjoy Ann’s blog “Further Musings from a Cyprus Garden” which you can find at

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