Tuesday, 16 September 2014

It'll be alright on the night ...

It's been a frantic few days, with our friends David and Letitia looking for houses to rent, meeting for drinks, having a BBQ (arrival at 15.30 and heading to bed about 01.30 the next day) and sundry other social events.

The great news is that they have found a lovely property a few kilometres from us, on the outskirts of Polis. When we went round to see the house, I could understand that it had the "Wow" factor. David has negotiated with the landlord (who happens to be a cousin of our friend Androniki) to fit gas central heating, and that will ensure they are snug and warm come the winter months. All in all it has been a great few days, and we have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the adventure.

After the BBQ on Saturday afternoon and early Sunday morning, we woke up a little jaded. The good news was that we were due at friends in Pomos for a late lunch. A fabulous meal, Indian style, from Jill. The only downside of the evening was that I woke up the next day to find my feet, ankles and lower legs covered with bites - and my goodness were they itchy. The usual "bite serum" had no effect, and neither did the various other creams we keep for these frankly rare events. Eventually, before I was reduced to scratching through to the bone, I searched on the Internet and found a really interesting site in the USA, which suggested that the way to relieve the itching was to use ... a hair dryer.

With scepticism to the forefront I tried it, and found it worked. The bites were still angry and red, but the itching was gone. A few hours later I treated the areas again and managed a good night's sleep. The bites are still there today but are now manageable. When I write the chapter on all the bugs and beasties in Cyprus, some remedies like this will be quite fun.

Time to shower and change as we are due in Polis at four o'clock for drinks and a bite to eat with David and Letitia, as they fly back to Belfast tomorrow. Then the clock starts ticking until they use their one-way tickets to return here.

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