Friday, 29 June 2018

Never mind the Terminator ...

We were shown a new tool for Daisy the dog some months ago, that removes the dead hair underneath her top coat and helps her both to keep cool and stop shedding hair everywhere. It is called the FURminator. What a priceless name. Eat your heart out Arnie ...

It is amazing how time passes but we have at last ordered one from Amazon. We saw one on display at a rather expensive vet’s surgery in Paphos the other day. It was priced at a cool €48,00 which is a tad expensive. Amazon sell the same thing at half the price.

We always try to shop locally on the premise that if we don’t use local shops then they will disappear. But double the price is not really on. Many expats here moan about the price of the kiosks (the little corner shops) but we have found that many items cost less than the big supermarkets, and so we support them. Polis has only one large supermarket (since Orphanides closed) and so, without competition, they charge what they feel the market will pay.

Ann’s knee is finally undressed, which means she can now shower. There are signs of great rejoicing from the other residents at Andronikis Gardens. In actual fact, not showering because of a dressing in this weather, is awful. Still the water should be hot. It is one of life’s great ironies that we get free hot water from our solar panels for nine or even ten months of the year, but in winter we have to use the immersion heater. Showers in the summer tend to be like warm, cool or even cold.

The announcement in the press that England had lost a football match in the World Cup has been covered in such depth that one could be forgiven for thinking the queen had died. But it has kept Brexit off the front pages for a day or two. So we should all be thankful for small mercies.

Monday, 25 June 2018

Let’s hope ...

Let us hope that bad things happen in threes and that is as far as that goes. Whilst having a lovely time with Ann’s sister and her husband, Ann did her best to be the centre of attention. Firstly we all went out for lunch in Latchi, and Ann had one spoonful of her avocado shrimps and was very sick indeed. Obviously a dodgy shrimp. The following day we all went to Steni Market where Ann felt unwell (probably as a result of her previous day’s shenanigans). To cap it all on the very next day she had a fall in the garden (in the same place as I fell a couple of months ago) and was somewhat battered and bruised.

I’m happy to report that she is much better and she bore her injuries with stoicism. But, as I have told her, “Enough is enough” and I have threatened her with a stiffly-worded memorandum if she transgresses again.

We had a lovely evening out a couple of days ago, and were invited round to a bbq. The house was lovely, the company more than acceptable and the atmosphere was fun. But the food was bloody awful. T-bone and rump steaks, and ribs, were barbecued. They were tough and gristly, and we had to struggle through them with smiles on our faces. The highlight of the evening came after I felt that every insect in Polis had been invited to a party on my legs. I was suffering and our host and his other guests suggested “tiger balm”. It was produced and I was told to rub it where I had been bitten. It comes in a little jar about an inch tall and smells of Vick’s Vapour Rub (and can be rubbed into the chest as well).

Well, after five minutes, I was not impressed despite everyone telling me how marvellous the stuff was. And then, miraculously, the itching stopped and I was then very impressed indeed. Apparently it is on sale in Paphos and, when we visit this week, it will be high on our shopping list. It can, apparently, be used for pain relief as well ...

In any event, enough of this doom and gloom. The weather is set fair and that is always a great feeling. At the end of last week I used the UK government’s beta software to apply for my passport online. Ann took my photograph with my iPad and in a few minutes all was completed. The photograph was cropped to the correct dimensions in front of my eyes, and the whole things took about ten minutes and that was mainly because I had to unearth my old passport and then my bank card to pay. Very impressive and it may suggest that the UK may be about to enter the 21st Century.

The soccer World Cup has proved a distraction to the country, and a welcome one at that. Although we are not in the least bit interested in soccer it is fun to see the glee and excitement of people after all the months of doom and gloom caused by Brexit. I still cannot believe the sheer amateurism and lack of competence showed by politicians across the whole spectrum of government. Can they really be jockeying for position - and to hell with the people - at such a time? I fear so and I despair.

Sunday, 10 June 2018

“Phew! What a scorcher!”

I loved the very predictable banner headlines in various UK tabloid newspapers when the temperature  was set to rise above 21°C. The same photographs from Brighton beach, and the same aspiring models clad in bikinis, adorned the front page.

It all seems such a long time ago as we are sitting out a heatwave here with temperature nudging 40°C. Thank heavens for the swimming pool and air conditioning. We try not to use the air conditioning during the early afternoon but, yesterday, both of us and our pets were struggling, and the air conditioning was switched on. It’s a strange thing that you try to be economical with electricity (and prices have risen substantially in 2018) but most modern houses have air conditioning for a purpose and that is to make the hottest days more comfortable. For those following in our footsteps at some stage in the future, air conditioning in living areas and bedrooms is an absolute must. You will live to regret it if you believe the estate agent who extols the virtue of open windows and fans.

We are both waiting for the arrival of Sue and Davy on Wednesday, who are coming for a week’s holiday. They are staying at a lovely hotel five minutes away from us (as they did last November) but they will undoubtedly find it warmer this June. Whether they opt for an all-action time or a lazy, slow motion time, will depend on how they feel once they arrive. We shall fit in with them.

Bad news this week when I heard from my best friend, Mike. His lovely wife, Wendy, went to see her  doctor with pain that he thought was probably appendicitis. Into hospital to find out she had developed bowel cancer. It was operated on and the tumour was removed. The prognosis is good as they caught the cancer early. Our hopes and prayers are with them both, and I trust she makes a full recovery soon.

It is a cliché and a truism that we are advised to live each day as if it is our last. Nothing could be closer to the truth.