Sunday, 10 June 2018

“Phew! What a scorcher!”

I loved the very predictable banner headlines in various UK tabloid newspapers when the temperature  was set to rise above 21°C. The same photographs from Brighton beach, and the same aspiring models clad in bikinis, adorned the front page.

It all seems such a long time ago as we are sitting out a heatwave here with temperature nudging 40°C. Thank heavens for the swimming pool and air conditioning. We try not to use the air conditioning during the early afternoon but, yesterday, both of us and our pets were struggling, and the air conditioning was switched on. It’s a strange thing that you try to be economical with electricity (and prices have risen substantially in 2018) but most modern houses have air conditioning for a purpose and that is to make the hottest days more comfortable. For those following in our footsteps at some stage in the future, air conditioning in living areas and bedrooms is an absolute must. You will live to regret it if you believe the estate agent who extols the virtue of open windows and fans.

We are both waiting for the arrival of Sue and Davy on Wednesday, who are coming for a week’s holiday. They are staying at a lovely hotel five minutes away from us (as they did last November) but they will undoubtedly find it warmer this June. Whether they opt for an all-action time or a lazy, slow motion time, will depend on how they feel once they arrive. We shall fit in with them.

Bad news this week when I heard from my best friend, Mike. His lovely wife, Wendy, went to see her  doctor with pain that he thought was probably appendicitis. Into hospital to find out she had developed bowel cancer. It was operated on and the tumour was removed. The prognosis is good as they caught the cancer early. Our hopes and prayers are with them both, and I trust she makes a full recovery soon.

It is a cliché and a truism that we are advised to live each day as if it is our last. Nothing could be closer to the truth. 

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