Thursday, 15 October 2020

Is the end nigh?

 Despite the relative calm and tranquility in Cyprus, we see that the number of virus infections continue to rise - although at a containable rate for the moment. There are “clusters” in Limassol and Larnaca, and the government has brought in additional measures. The confusion in many commentators’ minds arises with the fallacious argument that “herd immunity” is desired ... or even possible. From all that I have read, the various antibodies and t-cells that infected people generate to protect themselves do not last long. If that is indeed the case, a vaccine would be equally ineffective for the same reasons.

Back in the UK, confusion and changing direction abound. When I heard the PM stating that a national lockdown would not happen (although you could always confuse the issue by calling it a “circuit-breaker) I immediately realised it was only a matter of time before there was not another rapid about-turn. This was the same man who described Liverpudlians as “seeing themselves whenever possible as victims”. I suspect his latest decision is unlikely to have a statue raised in his honour in Liverpool.

A triumph however at Castle Douglas. We bought a new oven on Tuesday (one where the temperature was as advertised) and Ann set out to bake some scones. She had tried valiantly over the months and - on each occasion - they were as flat as pancakes. On this occasion they rose and rose and rose, and were absolutely delicious. The engineer who fitted our oven told us that the old oven was heating to 150°C when it was set to 220°C. No wonder we had flat scones. A brilliant purchase ... we went to the shop on Tuesday morning and the new oven was fitted by 4.00 pm on the same day. That’s what I call service.

Out to try a new place for lunch after Ann has been to the hairdresser. And then, perhaps, a sit in the sunshine when we get home. Virus or not, life in Cyprus is good.

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