Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Funny old world, isn’t it?

 We hope, as do all mankind, that the terrible happenings in the Ukraine and in Gaza come to an end soon. And we pray that China does not invade Taiwan. All of these events, and others, have the potential to unleash unimaginable suffering on millions of people. And the thought of either the increasingly senile Joe Biden or the crazy Donald Trump becoming president of the USA fills me with foreboding.

Domestic and other matters tend to slide into the background and you make the comparison that these things do not matter as much. But, of course, they do. Man’s inhumanity to man is not limited to nations attempting to blow each other to smithereens. It can be scaled back to petty injustices felt at home and locally. People can be unkind intentionally or thoughtlessly, and then just move on - leaving unhappiness and distress in their wake. 

Small communities seem to excel in this and the reverberations are felt more intensely because everybody seems to be aware of them. Social media is both a blessing and a curse, and I cannot remember who suggested that keyboards should be fitted with a breathalyser. You can almost instantly see who has had a glass too much, especially those private messages that are sent in the evening. These keyboard warriors then commit the ultimate in cowardice by blocking the person to whom they sent the message. What intellectual giants they are.

Was there ever a time when people were not bitchy, being always ready to stab others in the back? Social media makes everything easier but you just need to glance through Twitter to see how many set out to disparage, hurt, libel and destroy others with their half-truths and rumours. I love skimming these posts for the gorgeous pet videos people share. They restore my faith in human nature. Just about …

For a different point of view on our life here, you might enjoy Ann’s blog “Further Musings from a Cyprus Garden” which you can find at

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