Monday, 15 April 2024

I hate to admit it but …

A few weeks ago there was a bit of a storm in a teacup locally because, in my blog, I commented that the change of management at a local bar, and the service there, was not particularly auspicious but that “time would tell”.

It’s all change there now with the landlady of the last ten or eleven years back at the helm. What a difference. My darling wife has been down there to support the landlady, sorting out the book shelves and then designing, printing and laminating the new Sunday Lunch menu. Why? Because she wanted to support the landlady in her new endeavours.

Yesterday we ventured down in mid-afternoon for Sunday lunch. What a delight the meal was. The roast beef we both had was “melt-in-the-mouth” delicious and the vegetables (unlike so many offerings locally) were served hot. The gravy was to die for. Relaxed, friendly service and chatting to some customers we knew, and some we had never seen before, made for a very pleasant afternoon.

If you live within travelling distance of Argaka, then do give the Tipsy Turtle a call (99 936384) and ask Ann for a table between 12.30 and 16.00 for Sunday lunch. I have a feeling you won’t regret it.

No supper last night, and something of a struggle for breakfast, and excellent memories of a treat we shall return for.

As the title of today’s blog says, “I hate to admit it but I jumped to conclusions”.

For a different point of view on our life here, you might enjoy Ann’s blog “Further Musings from a Cyprus Garden” which you can find at

1 comment:

  1. Hello Martin, just wondering if this blog is now defunct? I have it in my favourites and check-in every now and then but have not seen any recent posts. Do hope you and better half are keeping well.
