What a strange set of circumstances last night and early this morning ... we needed to replace a bulb in the bulkhead light in our shower room but, after removing the metal holder, the plastic cover would not budge. Our friend Tim, a very practical chap, came and removed it for us. The bulb was replaced and the cover was refitted, but we did not refit the metal holder as we were entertaining.
Ann had placed a towel in the sink underneath the lamp in case of any of the Allen screws disappearing down the plughole, and that is how we left it. Ann must have used the shower room after I went to bed and left the light on. The heat from the bulb must have made the plastic cover expand and it dropped into the sink, just pausing to knock the tap into the 'on' position.
In the middle of the night I got up and noticed the light on in the shower room, opened the door and saw the tap running and water all over the floor. Having switched the tap off, and emptied the sink, I noticed one of my shoes floating in the doorway of the guest room. An hour and a half later, and after much mopping, the floors were dry. The cardboard boxes under the guest beds had been rescued, along with their contents, and the rugs and towels draped over the fence to dry off. I then placed the laundry basket across the doorway of the guest room, and the mop and bucket across the doorway of the shower room, and went back to bed.
What Ann must have thought when she got up is the stuff of legend. The bulkhead light metal cover was the first job of the day. Some people never learn, do they?
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