Friday, 9 March 2018

Spare Ribs anyone?

I didn't realise that whatever you do physically it involves your ribs moving. With two cracked ribs, and the prescribed painkillers proving not particularly effective, almost anything I do can be a little painful. The thought of lurching through life for the next three weeks, until they heal, is not something that fills me with joy.

The builders are renewing their work on the plaster on the outside of the house, and it is almost continuous and very loud. After they finish, and the special paint is applied, followed by the magical chemical, then everything will need to be replastered, and then painted. At least the plastering and painting will be quiet. After that the inside paintwork, affected by the damp will need to be cleaned and then repainted with the anti-fungal paint. And then, and only then, will we have our home back.

Daisy, Honey and Jaz have been brilliant whilst all this has been hoping on - taking it in their stride (unlike the human occupants). They lie on sofas, roll their eyes and hibachi to sleep. It is a moment of immense pleasure when the builders drive off in the late afternoon.

But the cold weather has departed (only relatively cold if you are reading this in the UK), Spring is all around us and soon the clouds will disappear for six or seven months. No doubt I will be blogging about how hot we are. I note from the site stats that this blog is approaching 30,000 views. Amazing and I trust you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

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