Monday, 11 May 2015

"Some people think it's all over ... it is now!"

Well after the excitement of the General Election, life seems to have returned to normal. The Pound is making ground against the Euro, and goodness knows what would have happened if there had been a Labour/SNP coalition (formal or decisions being made in smoke-filled rooms). I can't help feeling sorry for UKIP (much as I despise their policies) - and that would be the case for any minor or new party - who managed to have about four million people voting for them and that gave them one seat in Parliament. Something, somewhere, is wrong here and needs to be looked at once the dust has settled.

Here in Argaka the news that our nearest bar/restaurant appears to have been sold is sad. Santa Barbara had the most stunning setting and a cool glass or two there as the sun set was never to be forgotten. Local rumour has it that the site has been bought for "development" by a group of local doctors. A sign of the times perhaps?

Ann's birthday tomorrow and she received some beautiful coloured solar lights for the garden from our friends John and Jill. Of course she opened them at the end of last week and they now sit in pride of place in the garden. With new hanging baskets, and some lovely plants for pots, the garden is enormously satisfying to sit in. Tomatoes are coming on apace and peppers and chillies are showing signs of life.

Each day the pool is getting warmer and warmer and I am well into my stride with my swimming. Ann braves the Roman steps each day and even she said last night that the water was distinctly warmer yesterday evening. I reckon by the end of the week that our pool will be open. Jaz and Honey come and inspect the pool regularly, and Jaz loves it when the pump comes on. She seems as fascinated by it now as she has done for the last two years.

For those following in our footsteps, we still believe it is the best decision we have made for years. We agreed that, at any time in the first twelve months, either of us could turn around and say that this was not the right decision. After eighteen months, Ann reminded me that we had never had that discussion. It literally never crossed our minds. στην υγειά σας.

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