Monday, 27 July 2015

That Monday Morning feeling ...

Monday mornings, when I used to work, were never the highlight of the week as the weekend might have been quite lively and fun. Whereas I loved my job, there are better things to do than work. Now, in retirement, Monday morning is the same as Tuesday, Wednesday et al.

This morning I had a refresher driving lesson with Mike, from ROADAR, and that was fun but exhausting. It took me forty-five minutes to drive to his house, a two-hour drive with him, and another forty-five minutes to get home. In this heat it is somewhat exhausting. So exhausting, in fact, that I switched on the car's air conditioning on the return journey. Pure luxury. The windows have to stay open during the driving lesson as there are aural clues to be gleaned as you drive.

The good news is that my driving was up to scratch and apparently I had not forgotten what I had been taught. So one more refresher next Monday and then a decision on a test date. Advanced Driving is addictive but, being the competitor I am, only a gold medal will do. My chum Dave was awarded a silver and ...

Talking of Dave it is his birthday today and we have been invited to a barbecue in Peristerona to celebrate. Our friends Pete and Sylvi will be there, and our friends David and Letitia will make a guest appearance from Gracie Towers as David is taking Letitia to the airport as she is spending most of August in the UK. No doubt David and I will leave the planning of the wild parties until Letitia is in the air.

By general consent July has been very hot, and we await August with trepidation. But then, in a few short weeks, we will have the delights of September and October (and possibly November) as warm days and cooler nights beckon. Not wishing my life away, but we were told that July and August are the price you pay for living in Cyprus. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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