Tomorrow is our tenth wedding anniversary and we shall, officially, be "in the bubble". Phones, iPads, computers, and TVs off. This is what we want and that's what we shall be doing. In an emergency, send a postcard.
Whilst preparing for tomorrow I drove down to Paphos to buy some meat from Kolios' butchers. The shop was busy but the service was, as ever, excellent. I was wandering around when the electronic doors slid open and stayed open. The sound of air conditioning in the shop went into overdrive. Why had the doors stayed open ... you can probably guess. A white 4x4 had parked on the pavement and had come to rest within six inches of the door. The sensor opened the door and kept it open. The elderly Cypriot climbed out and went to buy his meat. I was trying so hard not to laugh, but I failed.
As I was paying for my meat, the girl at the till started laughing as well and then the girl packing the bags. One of the butchers started to laugh and there were smirks on all sides. I asked whether there was an official parking space where the white 4x4 had been abandoned and she gave me the classic "Cypiot Shrug", and then burst out laughing again. That is a taste of the real Cyprus.
So shopping done, I headed for home. Ann had been making a special pudding for tomorrow (it's a secret and I am not going to tell you all what it is) but you might guess when I tell you we head to go out and buy "squirty" cream today. So all ingredients to hand, the required champagne, gin, good wine and some beer (in case we become dehydrated) stored away and we look forward to tomorrow.
I met Ann on 4th August and we moved in together on 29th August, and four years' later we got married. Ups and downs there have been, but this has been the happiest time of my life. Long may it continue as I intend to live forever, and Ann should be alongside as we go ...
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