Monday, 26 December 2016

Christmas in the kitchen ...

What a start to the day ... Eggs' Benedict, which we have often enjoyed but never cooked. It was a joint effort and the making of the Hollandaise Sauce provided a moment of worry. It just would not thicken but, an inspired web page later, and we had added a teaspoonful of lemon juice and away we went. Lovely smooth Hollandaise Sauce and Eggs' Benedict to do for. And we did find muffins in Cyprus.

The leg of lamb is just about to go into the oven, and Ann's Cyprus-style roast potatoes will be epic. What a lovely change from just roast potatoes. But, and it almost goes without saying, the last minute arrival of the Brussels sprouts (just like the US Cavalry) will make the day special.

Our plan to start with duck pâté will just enable us to resist temptation, until all is well. The house is warm, the weather a little wet and windy, and we have just decided to have a glass of wine. There are all sorts of plans for later in the day but, like most years, we will run out of steam and the cheese will remain until another day.

Boxing Day P.S.- what a fabulous day. Gentle and without pressure and we ate well, were remarkably sensible with our alcohol intake and never got round to watching the film we had sorted for the evening. The lamb, from Kolios in Paphos, was superb and the olive oil, garlic, lemon juice and thyme marinade was a delight. Ann's roast potatoes were even better on this second experimental occasion, and the Brussels sprouts ... there is nothing to say.

Strictly Come Dancing Christmas Special appeared and that was fun, and then my energy levels began to drop. Ann was watching a programme about a zoo, where the 23 foot long python needed medical attention. I managed to stay awake long enough in bed for Ann to join me with the good news. It would have been a disturbed night if the python had not recovered.

Coming into the living area this morning to make coffee, it was like discovering a garlic factory. A gentle day ahead, with cold lamb and pickles, and even possibly a walk - although rain is forecast for later. I hope all the readers of my blog had a super Christmas Day and that you feel as content with life this morning as we do.

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Ann saves the day ...

Christmas comes and goes - and we have had a different celebration every year since arriving in Cyprus. But one thing never changes and that is - to make our day - that Brussels sprouts must be part of the food on offer.

Imagine our disappointment when we did the rounds of supermarkets, kiosks and fruiteria to find that no-one had sprouts for sale. But "Mr Beer", so called because that's where we buy our Keo by the case, told Ann that he would be going out early on Christmas Eve morning to try and find some. And so, Ann decided that she would get up early and go into Polis in search of these elusive sprouts. My alarm went at 06.30 and, as good as her word, Ann got dressed, had some coffee, and off she went in the bleak midwinter.

She returned triumphantly an hour later with sprouts aplenty. Mr Beer told her that Cypriots had never really discovered the humble sprout, and so they were not always easy to source. But he saved the day as did Ann with her determination to get what we wanted.

Not long ago this blog racked up more than twenty thousand visits since I started writing it. That's some number. And so I wish all the readers of this blog a very Merry Christmas and wish sincerely that 2017 turns out to be a better year than this one has been. Some of our friends have suffered, as have we, so here's hoping 2017 is a real belter.

A final thought: we were watching a tv programme the other day and, in the background, was a sign that said, "Life's too short. BREAK SOME RULES." That's our resolution for 2017. So  you had all better watch out ...

Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Unbelievable ...

We often read of expats who are dissatisfied with the service in shops, bars and restaurants here in Cyprus. It somehow goes with the general whinging and moaning from those who would undoubtedly whinge and moan wherever they lived.

However, and especially for those who are planning to relocate here, this has not been the case in our experience. As we enter our fifth year here the number of times we have been unhappy with service could be counted on one hand. A useful tip, when dealing with Cypriots in all sorts of places, is to smile and offer a cheerful greeting (ideally in your best Greek). The reaction tends to be enormously positive ... it is almost as if the moribund expression on the face of the person serving you has miraculously been switched off.

Of course we have encountered poor service - none more so than in the Cyta shop in Polis. Ann and I went in there a few years ago to arrange for the Internet to be connected. A dour, unsmiling Greek Cypriot kept blocking our every request and was generally unhelpful. To make matters worse he completely ignored Ann, and directed all his comments at me (being the man). We sorted matters out by asking a Cypriot friend to help and he and I went down to the shop, there was a rapid-fire exchange of views in Greek, and three days later we were online. Now when we go into the shop, if he comes forward to "serve" us, we just wave him away and wait for the lovely and helpful girl to be free, or our favourite Leonides (who is so friendly and helpful, you cannot quite believe it).

Normally, on the rare occasions we are not welcomed in bars and restaurants, the business does not get a second chance and we vote with our wallets. But this is so rare, and we find a warmth from so many people. The girls in the supermarket are fantastic, apart from the little fat woman on the deli counter. We now just ignore her and wait for one of the others to serve us.

The whole point of this morning's blog is to highlight the unbelievably good service we have encountered from a British business. Over three years ago we bought an Android TV box from a shop in Paphos. My late friend Dave took me down there and introduced me to Brian who runs the business. In the last three years I have bought the occasional bit of kit from there and emailed him for advice about computers, iPads and the like. He found us a "new" iMac when ours died and it was a fabulous deal.

But on Sunday our TV box just would not cooperate at all. Fearing the worst I emailed Brian and he tried to help via email, but to no avail. In torrential rain I drove to Chlorakas, and went in to see him. Welcoming as ever, we went to his bench and he tried all he knew to get our box to work. After an hour and a half, we were still no further forward. And then, as if by magic, Brian (with the help of a paper clip) managed to get some life. The Android icon (a little green robot) was lying on its side and looking poorly.

We agreed that he would completely wipe the box and start from scratch. This he did and he was about to start downloading the various addons I had had on there. This was something I could happily do at home, and so (having switched the box off and on a couple of times to check all was okay) the box went back into its bag. Reaching for my wallet, I asked him what I owed him. "Free of charge" was his reply. I insisted that I pay him something but he was adamant.

Incredible and generous service and I have no hesitation in recommending him for computers, tablets, TV boxes and the like. If you are coming to live in the Paphos region, he is - or should be - your first port of call. You will find him Here

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Christmas ... the time to be merry.

Once again Christmas has sneaked up on us, and we find ourselves having to put thinking caps on. Simple this year as we have decided to stay at home - despite the kind invitation we had to stay over with friends in Pomos - and do our own thing. So we shall head for Paphos this coming weekend with a list of "essentials" we cannot source in this area. Last year we were surprised how relatively empty the shops were on the Sunday before Christmas, as we had visions of massive queues.

The weather is becoming a little more seasonal although odds on a White Christmas are as low as ever. So, unless we fancy a trip up to the Troodos, it looks as if Santa will have to leave his sleigh at home. I'm finding that I enjoy Christmas as much as ever, even if there is no religious significance to our celebrations.

Whether people across the world will be able to celebrate is a moot point. The ongoing tragedy in Syria breaks my heart, and I cannot imagine what it must be like for the people caught up in Aleppo. I wonder whether in years to come people will look back at this in the same way as we do with the slaughter and massacres which took place in Bosnia. The Western "powers" all seem unwilling to do anything about the killing which is taking place in front of their eyes. I wonder what is the point of spending billions of pounds on weapons and the armed forces, if they are not to be used when needed. Boris Johnson is the answer, of course. But what was the question?

I was reading a series of posts about The Grand Tour last week, and the lack of impact that this new series was having. Boris Johnson (that man again) was mentioned as he had been proposed as a replacement for Jeremy Clarkson on Top Gear. And then some wag suggested that Boris Johnson could replace Jeremy Clarkson on The Grand Tour and that would free Clarkson to become the new Foreign Secretary. He certainly couldn't do any worse than Boris.

Readers of this blog will know the disdain I have for venal politicians and their ability to do what they consider is best. Best for whom or what, you may ask? Best for the country ... not a chance. Best for themselves ... of course. When I see Hammond, Davis, Johnson and Fox circling, one thing comes to mind. They can all see that Brexit is likely to be the political death of Theresa May, and they are positioning themselves to be her replacement. They are like vultures, circling a corpse. Let's hope they all remember that Michael Gove is there in the shadows, sharpening his knives and ready to plunge the blade into their backs.

Jeremy Clarkson for PM anyone ...

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Glorious, glorious, glorious ...

What a day ... Cyrpus in all its winter glory. The sun shone, the sky was cloudless and the air was crystal clear.

What more could we want? Well there is a list and this is our wish for 2017. We are fed up with people who blow hot and cold, and especially those who use Ann as a sounding board because "She is such a good listener." We even had one "friend" who suggested she was better than her usual psychiatrist. This will stop, as will those who challenge Ann over the way she runs "her" book club. If you don't like it, then go forth and multiply. We live here, hopefully in peace and tranquility, and in the middle of a field. Why? Because we wish to live without neighbours and we wish to live without stress, and because that is what we want to do.

So many people want to take and not to give, and that to our way of thinking is unacceptable. Take us for what we are and, if you can't, then go away. I told Ann this afternoon that, as she suspected, I have a very low tolerance of stupid people. And, my goodness me, we know some people who are very stupid. Not everybody can have had the advantages I have had, but that's not my fault. So, that's the bottom line for 2017.

In any event, I am approaching twenty thousand visits to my blog, so I hope there are people out there who are listening to what we have to say. I love Christmas, and Ann puts up with it, but we shall offer the season's greetings to all we know. And, as far as I am concerned, this is our fifth Cypriot Christmas, and I can only hope it goes as well as all the others.