Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Glorious, glorious, glorious ...

What a day ... Cyrpus in all its winter glory. The sun shone, the sky was cloudless and the air was crystal clear.

What more could we want? Well there is a list and this is our wish for 2017. We are fed up with people who blow hot and cold, and especially those who use Ann as a sounding board because "She is such a good listener." We even had one "friend" who suggested she was better than her usual psychiatrist. This will stop, as will those who challenge Ann over the way she runs "her" book club. If you don't like it, then go forth and multiply. We live here, hopefully in peace and tranquility, and in the middle of a field. Why? Because we wish to live without neighbours and we wish to live without stress, and because that is what we want to do.

So many people want to take and not to give, and that to our way of thinking is unacceptable. Take us for what we are and, if you can't, then go away. I told Ann this afternoon that, as she suspected, I have a very low tolerance of stupid people. And, my goodness me, we know some people who are very stupid. Not everybody can have had the advantages I have had, but that's not my fault. So, that's the bottom line for 2017.

In any event, I am approaching twenty thousand visits to my blog, so I hope there are people out there who are listening to what we have to say. I love Christmas, and Ann puts up with it, but we shall offer the season's greetings to all we know. And, as far as I am concerned, this is our fifth Cypriot Christmas, and I can only hope it goes as well as all the others.

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