Saturday, 1 August 2015

Grass Widowers ...

With their wives enjoying the less than balmy conditions in the UK it was good to meet my good friends Dave from Peristerona and David from Gracie Towers, at Gracie Towers - and bottles of Perlenbacher disappeared at an alarming rate. Actually that's a slight exaggeration ... three blokes putting the world to rights and enjoying a few beers. Thoroughly enjoyable.

My goodness the humidity is as high as I can ever remember in Cyprus and we have just decided to go with air conditioning from mid-afternoon until an hour before we go to bed to make life comfortable. Air conditioning in the bedroom is essential. But, we reasoned, what is the point of having air conditioning and not using it when we need to? It will cost more but that's just life. Thankfully electricity has come down in price here over the last eighteen months and if the bill is high, we shall eat bread and dripping for a month.

Much useful advice from our friends Pete and Sylvi, and from Veronica, about the effect the high temperature may have on our pool. We have adjusted our pump accordingly and things are looking good. Testing the water quality on a regular basis should ensure trouble-free bathing, but it is always good to hear from those who have looked after pools for far longer than we have.

Polis Hospital was almost deserted yesterday when I went for a blood test, and even quieter when Ann and I went back to see the cardiologist. My INR is at the right level, blood pressure excellent and  he will ring Paphos Hospital on Monday to arrange for my cardioversion. So, with luck, my slightly erratic heart beat will be back in rhythm and I can stop taking that bloody Warfarin. Normal service should be resumed soon.

Out tonight to the Half-way House to meet John and Jill for a meal, and to catch up with their news. Great place to eat and only a few minutes' drive for us. This time next week we have invited David from Gracie Towers to come for dinner, and to settle down with us for the first of England's warm-up matches. A kick-off at 22.00 and against the team we all love to beat ... France. He has been instructed to bring Bonnie, their lovely dog, and a toothbrush. Looks as if a trip to Lidl's is in order to stock up on Perlenbacher could be in order.

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