Of more importance is the nastiness of the Argaka and general expat gossip mill. Readers of this blog will know that I walked into a glass partition at Santa Barbara restaurant last Sunday, and hurt my nose and left hand. Fortunately no lasting damage was done. But a friend of ours was treated to the real nastiness of expat gossip at badminton last week, when "FAT PAT" - and my goodness she is loud and fat - gave her a blow by blow account of what had happened. It was very accurate as it did happen at least ten minutes after she left the building.
I despair of many of the expats in this area, as they have nothing to do but gossip and make snide comments. This is probably why Ann and I are very, very particular in the friends we make and the people we associate with. My friend David, of Gracie Towers, referred to expats (in Thailand, not that it matters) as OF Ltd. "Old Farts ... Living The Dream". Far be it from me to disagree with my friend, but it does become apparent how many expats seem to be from Scotland and the North of England, and who seem to have absolutely no breeding. My grandmother will be turning in her grave.
As Maureen Lang wrote:
As Maureen Lang wrote:
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