Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Who would have thought it?

I'd never have believed that sitting in a gentle breeze, gently tapping out my thoughts on my iPad could be such hard work. I've decided (well Ann helped me decide) that discipline is what is required when it comes to writing. So space cleared in a cool area of the house, and no distractions, and my office was open for business. Plans laid out and I know what I wanted to write and even how I wanted to write it. But I suppose it's been a fair while since I have had to concentrate on anything for a period of time.

This morning just about finished the outline of the chapters, with sections of what I want to cover. After yesterday's Disclaimer, I wrote the introduction and a page about the author. And then, with a great intake of breath, the magnum opus was started. I had been researching the minutiae of Immigration to ensure that we had all the notes and letters and copies of documents, and receipts for payment ready. So Chapter 6, Immigration, was the starting point. It's going to take some time but a start has been made. I can't remember who said that staring at a blank piece of paper was the most difficult part of writing, so write anything ...

The pool beckoned after all the hard work, and just as I was about to change, the phone rang and another old friend whom I have not seen for a couple of months suggested a mid-afternoon drink at Mikis. Thanks Dave, that's just the reward I needed after this morning's hard labour.

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