Saturday, 22 November 2014

I just do not understand some people.

Well I really don't. I cannot understand the attitude of some British people living locally. Despite the laudable aim of raising money for those struggling during the recession in Cyprus (and specifically those in need in Argaka), our Bingo & Quiz evening is criticised from left and right. Last night we cancelled the quiz and just went ahead with the Bingo and the Play Your Cards Right game.

Why? The Fly Again was literally deserted and the word is that certain sectors of the community are not happy because we are raising money for the "Cyps" - a derogatory term for our hosts here, the Greek Cypriots. I detest this attitude and the whole, superficial attitude of some expats here. If immigrants in the UK showed that attitude to the British, they would be very quickly told where to go. "If you don't like it here, then **** off back to where you came from."

In any event a lovely lady, Carole, who was at The Fly Again with her husband, won €200,00 by playing her cards right. David took her photograph and it will be published on the pub website (with her permission). A great evening for her.

Ann and I have some serious decisions to make in the next few days. We have raised over €400,00 in the last few weeks and that's great. But we feel like we are bashing our heads against a brick wall of expat indifference and that's not why we started this endeavour. We have committed to next Friday, and will see what happens then.

Enough of negativity although this reinforces why we are very selective when it comes to making friends. Pam and Dave have shown us such kindness and consideration (even if Dave can be a pain in the backside sometimes ...), Pete and Sylvi are great fun, even though we do not see them as often as we would like, John and Jill are the salt of the earth, and David and Letitia have proven staunch friends in the time since we first met them in September. And that circle of friends is wider than the circle of friends we had in the UK. As you get older, the quality of friendship is far more important than "having lots of friends".


  1. Thank you for your kind comment. This leads to my suggestion that we should get together before Sylvi leaves for the UK on the 4th to collect my Ancient Aunt for her visit. Could we tempt to you to one of our favourite tavernas in Kallepia one evening?

  2. I'll ask my social secretary to get in touch with your social secretary to discuss matters via email.
